Anatomy of a Project Manager (Part 1)
If you are hiring a project manager, or thinking of becoming one, here are three of the things you might wish to consider.
If you are hiring a project manager, or thinking of becoming one, here are three of the things you might wish to consider.
My top tips for those considering learning more about Project Management. As the New Year approaches, many people will be […]
Have you ever been in the situation where you were working in a team, but seemed to be shouldering a […]
This month, I’ve had cause to think rather a lot about reporting. And the one thing I keep coming back […]
The other evening, I heard a groan from the other side of the kitchen. “Was there something wrong, my sweetness […]
“Read any good Lessons Learned Logs recently?” Said no-one, ever. And the reason isn’t simply that they rival “Great Canals […]
Let’s get to know each other better: if you were a trainer, which ice-breaker would you despise most? How best […]
I have a (some would say*) slightly irritating habit of banging on about the vision, benefits and objectives of a […]
Do subject matter experts make good project managers? An argument that comes up from time to time in project management […]
I’ll start this blog by heartily recommending a listen to Robin Ince’s excellent (and, at 15 minutes, succinct) examination of […]