Rising star badgeThe Rising Star one-day course equips your team with all the fundamental knowledge needed to deliver projects well and work effectively in project management environments.

Over the course of the day we’ll step through four different sessions, each exploring a different element of project management:



The six key principles of project management
This session forms the basis for all project management.  The principles are simple to understand, yet incredibly powerful when it comes to successful project delivery.  We’ll look at:

  • Defining a project: Vision, Benefits and Objectives
  • The PM and the Sponsor
  • Three Kinds of Service: Time, Cost and Quality
  • Setting baselines & pulling levers

How does it feel? Defining your project scope
Understanding how to scope a project and define the requirements will mean the end result is much more likely to match up to expectations.  Protecting against ‘scope creep’ will also insure your project against one of the big causes of project failure.  We’ll look at:

  • Building your outline scope
  • Defining requirements
  • Scoring requirements
  • Scope creep

Who’s on the team? (And who isn’t.)
Getting the right people on your team is yet another factor in getting projects right.  But how do you know who should be on your project team?  How do you get the correct balance of expertise?  And how do you manage a group of disparate people with authority?  We’ll look at:

  • Who’s on the team? Roles encountered on (almost) every project team
  • Who’s not on the team? Stakeholder management
  • You are not the expert
  • Authenticity and authority

Building your project schedule
Getting a project plan that is at the right level of detail whilst also being robust enough to withstand challenge and changes is a dark art.  We’ll open the door and let the light in though, helping you to quickly put together a project plan that gets the job flipping well done.  We’ll look at:

  • Identifying tasks and the right level of detail
  • Assigning and scheduling tasks (visual representations)
  • Dependent tasks and the critical path
  • Building the plan

All in one day?!  Surely, we can’t be serious?

We are serious.  And don’t call us Shirley.

On the day
Each day typically runs from 09.30 to 16.30 and will incorporate a one-hour lunch break and a twenty-minute break between each of the morning and afternoon sessions. Refreshments are not included but may be provided by the client if desired.

How do I book?
If this sounds like the course for you (or your team) get in touch with us by clicking the button below to schedule a call so we can work out the details, or you can email us for more info by dropping a line to hello@everydaypm.co.uk.

Book a call

This is great, but I’d like even more amazing training
What’s that?  MORE?  You want more, you say?!  Well then, take a look at our Shining Star Two Day course.  It will tickle the ivories of your soul.

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