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Project management tips, tricks, explainers and advice in short useful videos - bonza!

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Introduction to The Everyday Project Manager – how to deliver successful projects with training 

Who the blimmin’ heck are we? Let our Jeremy explain…

Trust Me on the Objectives

Why ARE project objectives so important?

How can you manage them and use them to problem solve? And what can you do if you take over a project that doesn’t have objectives?

Top 5 Tips for Kicking Off a Successful Project

Whether it’s a huge IT rollout or a kitchen extension, this short video will talk you through some easy things you can do to set your project up for success. Because in our experience, projects go wrong when these 5 things haven’t been considered.

Explainer: Sponsor and Project Manager: What’s the Difference?

This is a question we get asked a lot, so we filmed this handy 3 minute explainer to define the two roles and bust some myths about who does what.

Explainer: What is the Critical Path? 

In just 3 minutes Jeremy explains what the Critical Path is and how to find it in your schedule.

We also discuss how it can change throughout the project lifecycle and how tasks can move on and off the Critical Path

Explainer: Risks, Issues and Non-Risks 

We discuss the difference between Risks and Issues and, most importantly, why your response as Project Manager needs to be different for each.

And we’ll touch on Non-Risks and what on earth you do about them.

Who Should I Have on my Project Team?

So, you’ve got your project and now you need to build a team, but who should be on it? What roles are essential? And is Chief Biscuit Supplier one of them?! We take you through the project dream team.

Project Management Acronyms Explained 

“The UAT resources are T&M, that should go on our RAID ASAP”

Ever been in a meeting where conversations like this have happened around you and thought to yourself “WTAF?!” We’ve got you covered.

Using a Cost Plan for Simple Budget Management

Jeremy takes you through what should be included in your cost plan and how to use it to stay on top of your budget.

And you already know about our free Cost Plan template, right?

4 Steps to Building a Simple Project Budget 

Our most popular video by miles! Use these 8 minutes to make budgeting a doddle.

If you’ve got budgeting anxiety, then grab a cuppa and give this a watch, you’ll have a rough budget sorted before your tea is cold.

How to Run a Brilliant Project Kick Off Meeting

Why should you hold a project kick off meeting? Who should attend, and why?

Start your team off feeling motivated and knowing what’s expected of them, we show you how.

Explainer: Projects and Programmes: What’s the Difference?

Sometimes people refer to a large project as a “programme” but what’s the actual definition?

And how do projects and programmes work together? We talk you through it with real-world examples.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel

All these videos are on our YouTube channel, along with a load of Q&As and other useful bits. Subscribe to find out when our next video is released.