Like any profession, Project Management can often create its own language and idioms that result from the work that we do. Being part of the project management environment is like being part of a (not terribly exclusive) club. We have shared experiences and a linguistic shorthand for many of the things that we do.
Sometimes this is good and can help people get to a shared understanding or a decision more quickly. Sometimes it is not so good (for example, see the section on ‘Weasel Words’ in Chapter 8 of my book). And sometimes it can be a little ugly – we’ve all been in the meetings where we want to hide under the table, right?
Here at the Everyday Project Manager, we think it’s only right that we should acknowledge these foibles, warts and all, and have a little fun with them!
So here, for your entertainment, we present Project Management Bingo!
Click on the image above for a printable bingo card that you can take into the next project that you’re involved in and see how many items you can check off.
If you’re a project manager, how many of these are you guilty of? Is there a phrase here that makes your teeth itch?
Here are some other things you might like to consider before you start:
Game duration: Will you see how many you can collect over the course of the project, or are you working on the type of project where you might get a full house in a single meeting? (Goodness help you, if that’s true).
Multiplayer: Share with colleagues across different projects to see who can complete their card first.
Single line: Click on cards 2, 3, and 4 below for re-ordered cards that you can share with colleagues on the same project. First to get five in a row wins!
And finally, what am I missing?! Please drop me a comment and let me know what you would add to a Project Management Bingo card and we may publish some updated ones in the future. So… who’s taking that action?
Headline image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay
Bingo cards created by The Everyday Project Manager Ltd.
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